Broker benchmarks

mosquittoTotal Ratio: 1.000 (25000/25000) Total Runtime (sec): 1000.684 Average Runtime (sec): 1000.683 Msg time min (ms): 0.029 Msg time max (ms): 2.002 Msg time mean mean (ms): 0.204 Msg time mean std (ms): 0.008 Average Bandwidth (msg/sec): 0.999 Total Bandwidth (msg/sec): 24.9832.0.11
MCloudTTTotal Ratio: 1.000 (25000/25000) Total Runtime (sec): 1000.595 Average Runtime (sec): 1000.594 Msg time min (ms): 0.038 Msg time max (ms): 9.120 Msg time mean mean (ms): 0.429 Msg time mean std (ms): 0.034 Average Bandwidth (msg/sec): 0.999 Total Bandwidth (msg/sec): 24.985git f8a8f48c7abe8f0845ec531eaed3204734bcc40a, compiled with rustc 1.68.0 (2c8cc3432 2023-03-06), latest stable as of writing with cargo run --release --no-default-features
nanomqTotal Ratio: 1.000 (25000/25000) Total Runtime (sec): 1000.567 Average Runtime (sec): 1000.562 Msg time min (ms): 0.053 Msg time max (ms): 1.703 Msg time mean mean (ms): 0.324 Msg time mean std (ms): 0.022 Average Bandwidth (msg/sec): 0.999 Total Bandwidth (msg/sec): 24.986git 116439b1aa794774ea5edbfc6a1e2d6d837120ba
EMQXTotal Ratio: 1.000 (25000/25000) Total Runtime (sec): 1000.566 Average Runtime (sec): 1000.566 Msg time min (ms): 0.071 Msg time max (ms): 2.133 Msg time mean mean (ms): 0.525 Msg time mean std (ms): 0.015 Average Bandwidth (msg/sec): 0.999 Total Bandwidth (msg/sec): 24.986emqx_5.0.21-g97e7c439
HiveMQTotal Ratio: 1.000 (25000/25000) Total Runtime (sec): 1000.753 Average Runtime (sec): 1000.730 Msg time min (ms): 0.032 Msg time max (ms): 26.286 Msg time mean mean (ms): 0.184 Msg time mean std (ms): 0.030 Average Bandwidth (msg/sec): 0.999 Total Bandwidth (msg/sec): 24.982hivemq-ce-2023.2