Examples are not Documentation


How to improve your documentation for Rust projects

#rust #documentation

In appreciation of nginx reverse proxys


How to painlessly use HTTPS with your web services

#nginx #ops #sysadmin #webserver

A getting started guide to ESP32 no-std Rust development


Programming ESP32 microcontrollers in Rust without the standard library

#rust #esp32 #microcontroller #no-std

Rust Library Compatibility Levels


From microcontrollers to full-blown Linux systems, Rust has you covered!

#rust #crate #compatibility

How NanoMQ had a double free and what we can learn from it


Discovery of a double free in a C MQTT broker and what can be done about it

#C #nanomq #security #fuzzing #rust

Making a Dino Light with the ESP32 and WS2812 Pt. 2


Connecting an ESP32 Dino Light to Wi-Fi using Rust and Embassy

#rust #embedded #esp32 #ws2812 #neopixel

Making a Dino Light with the ESP32 and WS2812


Found a cute thing on Thingiverse and decided to make it with another chip and in Rust

#rust #embedded #esp32 #ws2812 #neopixel

Writing a BitBoard in Rust Pt. 2: The Game State


Now that we have a bitboard to store the pieces, we need a way to store the game state

#bitboard #chess #rust

Writing a BitBoard in Rust Pt. 1: The Basics


BitBoards are used in the fastest chess engines on the market. So how do they work? And how do we implement them?

#bitboard #chess #rust

Cargo Plugins


My favorite 5 cargo plugins

#rust #cargo